Esports Tournaments as Marketing Goldmines: How Events Boost Revenue
Discover why video game publishers invest in live esports tournaments even at a loss, and how that drive revenue.
Esports Gambling: How Skins, Money, and Biases Shape the Market
Discover the unique aspects of esports gambling, how people tend to bet, and why they do it.
Guest Episode | Kevin 'MapuTV' Kremser: The Art of Observing: Elevating Esports Production
MapuTV shares how his journey in esports started, his experience as a professional observer, and how his work contributes to a better viewing experience.
The Twitch Experience: What Drives Our Enjoyment?
Unveil the science of what makes Twitch so engaging, and how its key features are driving your enjoyment!
COVID's Legacy on Esports: A Tale of Peaks and Valleys
Explore how the pandemic's ripple effects have reshaped the esports landscape and impacted players and organizations.
Need or Greed? Fairness Norms in World of Warcraft
World of Warcraft players develop different fairness norms for loot distribution across servers. We discuss how it's done, and how nonconforming players are punished.
How Gaming Changes Your Brain: The Long-Term Effects of Gaming
We discuss how playing video games (League of Legends) changes your brain, as well as what that means for you as a person.