Group Flow: When Gamers Feel "In The Zone"
We have all heard the term 'flow' or being in a 'flow state&
Gaming Meets Streaming: Positive Perceptions and Negative Consequences
Did you know that players with a potential problematic use of video games are more toxic?
Cyberbullying and its Consequences in Professional Gaming
Cyberbullying in professional gaming—who are the bullies, who is exposed to it the most, and what are the consequences?
What Makes You Click? The Push and Pull Factors of Esports Streaming
Why do we watch esports streams and interact with gaming content? We discuss the push and pull factors that drive our behavior.
Skills vs. Friendship: How Player Motivation Shapes Team Selection
How do players choose their team mates in video games, and how do men and women differ?
The Twitch Experience: What Drives Our Enjoyment?
Unveil the science of what makes Twitch so engaging, and how its key features are driving your enjoyment!
Need or Greed? Fairness Norms in World of Warcraft
World of Warcraft players develop different fairness norms for loot distribution across servers. We discuss how it's done, and how nonconforming players are punished.